Dakota Ag Center Grain 2024 Fall Grain Policies
Drivers must know the load owners and splits at time of delivery. Incorrect dispositions must be disputed within 24 hours after delivery.

Delayed Price:  7.5 cents per month, pro-rated by the day service fee.  Grain that is not sold before August 22, 2025 will be sold by the close of the day.
Extended Price:  10 cents per bushel Program Fee.  70 cents per bushel held for margin call.  All Extended Price Contracts must be closed by June 20th, 2025.
Grain Bank:  2 cents per month on remaining balance at the end of the month.
Drying Charges:  7 cents per bushel, per point of moisture removed over 15.0%.  Subject to change due to energy markets.
Shrink: 1.5% per point removed over 15.0%
Test Weight:  3 Cents per lb 53.9 to 52.0.  5 cents per lb under 52.0. Test weight under 49 lbs is subject to rejection.
Foreign Material:  3.1% to 4.0% 3 cents per fraction.  4.1% to 5.0% 4 cents per fraction.
Damage:  2 cents per fraction over 5% to 20%.  Over 20% subject to rejection.
Bugs/Sour/Odor:  10 cents/bu. discount.
Soybeans Delayed Price: 7.5 cents per month, pro-rated by the day service fee.   Grain that is not sold before August 22, 2025 will be sold by the close of the day.
Extended Price:  10 cents per bushel Program Fee.  $1.25 per bushel held for margin call.  All Extended Price Contracts must be closed by June 20th, 2025.
13.1 - 13.5 1.50% 14.1 -14.5 4.50%
13.6 - 14.0 3.00% 14.6 - 15.0 6.00%

  Beans above 15% may be subject to rejection.
Foreign Material:  .1% deducted from gross weight each tenth above 1.0%.
All programs subject to change
*******10 days of free storage before pricing or placing all grain on delayed price******